venerdì 23 dicembre 2016

It's all about.. Bellaoggi!


Ciao a tutti!
Questa è la mia prima review in italiano e devo dire che mi fa parecchio strano scrivere in italiano.. lo faccio perché mi è stato chiesto da alcune persone di farla in italiano, quindi perché no fare contenti tutti? Magari più avanti prenderò la decisione di fare tutti i post sia in inglese che in italiano, ma questo lo si vedrà😝
Come potete notare dal titolo oggi "it's alla about bellaoggi" è un brand di cui io sono totalmente innamorata (come avrete potuto benissimo notare del mio instagram) una delle ragioni che più mi ha fatto innamorare di loro è relativa al fatto che offrono ottimi prodotti a prezzi davvero contenuti, come per esempio la super palette che vedete nella foto sara costata una 30 di euro, ed e piena di colori, lucida labbra e compresa di alcuni pennellini.
Ma siamo qui per parlare di questi prodotti, e allora facciamolo! Mi dispiace dovervi mostrare la palette un pochino "vissuta" ma questo non fa parte di uno dei miei acquisti recenti, anzi, mi è stata regalata a febbraio ed e ancora perfetta. Gli ombretti hanno tutti dei pigmenti molto carichi (come si può vedere dalla foto) e colorano benissimo, hanno un'ottima aderenza sull'occhio.

Il secondo prodotto di cui di parlo è il "Tribal liner" parto col dire che essendo fissatissima con la linea dell'occhio ho potuto sperimentare davvero tanti ma tanti eye-liner, e così ho deciso di provare questo. Come potete sempre notare dalla foto il colore è molto forte anche li, scrive bene e anche dopo parecchi utilizzi continua a soddisfarmi.

Poi abbiamo i miei fedelissimi balsami labbra, allora qui nella foto se ne vedono solo due, ma qualche mese fa avevo acquistato anche quello color pelle.. quello color pelle di solito lo utilizzavo in un modo molto strano: mezz'ora prima di truccarmi lo mettevo sulle labbra screpolate.. per poi toglierlo prima di mettere su il cerone di trucco, questo perché ti lascia delle labbra morbidissime, e a me, mi toglieva quel poco di screpolatura che avevo anche se questi essendo colorati li uso tranquillamente per uscire perché stanno benissimo. Insieme ai balsami labbra potete notare anche la matita labbra, che di solito applico come base sotto prima di mettere il glossy.

Ora parliamo dell'ultima mia passione.. le sopracciglia, mi sono trovata davanti tutti questi kit sopracciglia, e non sapendo quale scegliere li ho presi tutti e tre, vi lascio in allegato una fotina precedentemente postata su Instagram, e beh, a voi i commenti. Nulla da dire.

Ormai si parla moltissimo di contouring, cosa che personalmente non sono ancora pratica fare, perché a parer mio non è una cosa così semplice applicarlo senza far sembrare di avere un cerone in faccia. Anche se per iniziare a provare mi sono fatta tentare da questo kit, compreso di illuminante, terra più scura e fard per le guance, i colori sono ottimi e sopratutto essendo in polvere è molto più facile da usare, e sul viso non da quell'effetto così "pesante".

 Sempre parlando di fard essendo periodo natalizio mi sono fatta tentare anche da questo fard con un colore più corallo, bellissimo.
E ultimo ma non ultimo... il primer base trucco! Dico solo che è l'unico primer in grado di tenermi su il fondotinta anche nelle giornate in cui passo dal caldo al freddo, corro da una parte all'altra e così via. Davvero buono, anche se dovrò provare se tiene su i glitter😜
Spero che questo post vi sia piaciuto, e volevo ancora dirvi che tutti i prodotti di bellaoggi potete tranquillamente trovarli o nei negozio autorizzati oppure negli acqua e sapone!

In ogni caso in fondo vi lascio il loro sito web!

domenica 18 dicembre 2016

Christmas is coming

Hi cutiess!
This post is a little bit different from the others, but I think in the near future I will do much more things like this. I toke some new decisions and there will be many new ideas and surprises for you in the next year ( I hope I can do all of these things ahahha)
As I've already posted on my Instagram, this is a post with a lot of cute idea for Christmas gifts. First of all I want to say that this is my own opinion, and for sure people with different tastes would have different Christmas gift ideas.
I really don't know how to structure this post, so I will make a list, some of these products, are products that I've already tried, and others that I would love to try.

- As you can notice from my Instagram profile, I'm literally obsessed with the pictures, so.. what is the most perfect gift? Printed pictures! Cheerz is a website that make it possible. It's the perfect gift for your family and your friends, you can choose between Cheerz box, calendars, and oblivious a lot of amazing pictures, to immortalize those moments! You can also download the app.


-The second products that I want to show you is the Mrwonderful one agenda, here in Italy the  is a famous brand in this sector, because their planner are so cute and you can personalize it, literally the perfect gift for the girls that have many plans to do. And you should absolutely take a minutes to look at their shop.

Agenda: MrWonderful Agenda

Talking about people who had a lot of things to do.. the perfect gift for them is the Anker powerbank, with a power of 20000, for example I have an iPhone.. and i used this item to recharge my iPhone for almost 10 times till it dies.. and it's perfect because when you aren't at home you haven't to think about the battery of your phone.Probably this is the only products of the list that is good also for the boys😂

Anker powerbank (amazon):AnkerPowerbank

-Another product that I love,  is the new special edition of urban decay palette (that i have not tried yet, and that my bff wants to have to badly hahaha) but the palette looks perfect, with a lot of colorful colors, good pigments, everything is perfect. I already have a palette from them, and their quality is literally superior than the other brands.

Urban decay Palette: Full Spectrum Palette

I would love to make a list of all the things that I would love to have for Christmas, but I think it will be very long, and especially, impossible to have all at once 😂 infact now, as a last advice, I give you the name of my favorite store ever to find new Christmas gift ideas: Flying Tiger. I think that their stores are all over the world, then for all of you, it won't be a problem to find it! They sell.. it's hard to explain.. tiger sends you all the things that you had always dreamed of😂 little stupid things, for example you can find toys for your pets, soap, ornaments.. and also food😂 (that taste so good) all the crazy stuff of life😂

Hope that you liked this post! Have a nice Christmas 🎄

lunedì 12 dicembre 2016

Deter the Tyrant


Hi cutiesss!
Finally I'm back after a pause! In this period I'm so busy with many things to do, especially to study again and again! In my university now it's time of exams. I wasn't really sure about this outfit because I don't like a lot how it looks on me, but a lot of positive comments on my Instagram allowed me to change my opinion about it!
Idk how to call this outfit, because is full of "old things" for example the jacket belonged to my mother's wardrobe and the skirt was my aunt's one... probably, the skirt is the best part of the outfit! I've lost a lot of time to turn on my own feet to make it move😂 I looked like a child!
Probably this outfit isn't perfect for this weather, because at the moment the weather is chilly! And I was wearing only socks without tights...
The shirt is a simply Tezenis underwear, I like it so much because it is simply and I can pair them with almost everything! What abput the shoes? My new baes! This is the first time that I write about them in a post: they are amazing, I literally love their brand, Primadonna! Everytime  I go to their shop I'd love to buy everything😫 the only bad things about these shoes is that I don't have a lot of clothes that match at best with them...

Shoes:Primadonna (CODE 20058)

venerdì 2 dicembre 2016

Royal Beard Club

Hi cuties! Today I'm here to do my favorite kind of blog post: featuring my boyfriend. I love putting him in all the pieces of my life, especially this part. I think that this makes he feel so important to me, as he is.
But today I'm gonna talk about something that will be much more interesting for the boys ( I think😌).
It's all about the collaboration with a brand called Royal Beard Club, and it sells something that isn't so easy to find... oil and beard products! A dream that comes true for all the Vikings as my boyfriend is, or only for the people loving to take care of their beard!
They've sent us:
1- Royal beard butter - outdoorsman scent
2- Royal Cyrus - 1 ounce scented beard oil
3- Royal Pine - 1 ounce scented beard oil
4- Royal wide tooth mini beard comb
5- Ounce Bayrum Beard oil

When I've opened the package I was astonished because I'd never thought that they would send to us a lot of stuff like this! In the very second moment the surprise was that I was wrapped by a big perfume of mint...the products have a such great great smell!
The oil should be use after an hot shower, and you can take the dispenser and select few drops of the oil. This oil is based so it is absorbed by your skin and the hair follicle. You can use it daily, after a hot shower and multiple times during the day... You need only 3 to 4 drops in your palm, it's plenty for a decent sized beard. Three drops and work onto your beard and Mustache. 95% will be absorbed but it won't leave your face oily or greasy, it's a fairly light formula due to the Moraccan Argon oil.
After only one week that Max used it he noticed already the difference between before and after using the oil: the beard now is so much softer and  more bright . All of you know that the beard it's a little bit rough when you touch it, but now it seems that you are touching the hair of a supermodel!

Royal beard butter - outdoorsman scent:royal-beard-butter-outdoorsman
Royal Cyrus - 1 ounce scented beard oil:royal-citrus-half-ounce-beard-oil
Royal Pine - 1 ounce scented beard oil: royal-pine-half-ounce-beard-oil
Royal wide tooth mini beard comb: royal-wide-tooth-mini-beard-comb